Statistical data about the College of Islamic Sciences. This data aims to provide a general idea about the statistics that help in evaluating the quality of education and the services provided by the college, and it is subject to change throughout the academic year according to work variables.
253+Faculty Members
374+Postgraduate Students
14.02+Ratio of Students to Faculty
7+Study program (Bachelor)
3+Study program (Master's)
3+Study program (PhD)

College Statistical Data

General Research Statistics

College Affiliates Statistics

Research Statistics by Departments

Ratio of number of research to teaching staff

Teachers by Departments

Statistics of the study programs at the College of Islamic Sciences

Study Program (Bachelor)

Study Program (Master's)

Degree Program (PhD)

Number of students (primary and higher)for the current year

Student statistics by type of study

Student statistics (morning and evening)

Students to Teachers Ratio

Undergraduate and postgraduate student statistics (by departments)

Statistics of Undergraduate Studies for Last Five years

Number Of Students

Number Of Graduated students

Statistic of Postgraduate Studies for last Five years

Post Graduate students numbers

Graduated For Postgraduate