Department of Comparative Religions

Department of Comparative Religions 

Under the generous patronage of the Dean of the college  of Islamic Sciences, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Jawad Muhammad Al-Turaihi, the Department of Comparative Religions was opened. The department’s features and objectives are to spread the spirit of tolerance and non-exclusion of other religions, by spreading a culture of inclusion and constructive rational dialogue in order to distance the allegations of violence from Islam and terrorism.  With the deep vision, the department’s curricula have been developed. This is why the Department of Religions seeks to build a comprehensive society dominated by the values ​​of tolerance and coexistence, through the human civilizational discourse directed to all human beings, through understanding religion and representing its law through its texts  and through its various data, a path to the pluralism in religion, and then the transformation of society in a way that broadens the horizons of civilizational experience and deepens its intellectual trends.

Message and  vision


The Department of Religions Studies in the College of Islamic Sciences seeks to build a pluralistic civil society in which the values ​​of tolerance and coexistence prevail through the human civilizational discourse directed to all human beings by understanding religion and representing its law.  Society in a way that broadens the horizons of the civilized experience and deepens its trends on the grounds of intellectual competence



The message of  the Department of Religions is embodied in spreading a culture of religious tolerance, coexistence between groups and individuals, and spreading a research culture that counteracts the hostile theories represented by sectarianism, and studying  Religion and heritage in the light of modern curricula for the humanities. 




  • Spreading a culture of coexistence and dialogue between religions and cultures and fortifying the bonds of love and justice between groups and individuals.
  • Studying heritage in the light of modern curriculums of Human Sciences.
  • Building a civilized society dominated with values of tolerance , coexistence and living.
  • To reveal the positive impact of the rational human understanding of religion on social, economic, political and cultural development.
  • Representation of the spirit of the age and openness to the current gains of science from : Wisdom is the precious property of the believer, wherever he finds it he takes it.
  • Consolidating the critical dialogue mentality and transcending the closed static mentality.
  • Liberating the understanding of religion from fanatic and aggressive statements, ideas and attitudes.
  • Acquainting with freedoms and human rights and drying up violence and oppression.
  • Monitor and follow-up global developments hostile to Islam and their future effects.
  • Pay an interest upon studying the history of religions, emphasizing aspects that can be developed, improving the present, and proper planning for the future.
  • To know the curriculum, beliefs, and rituals of other religions that help the student of knowledge understand them to be a good advocate of the Islamic religion.
  • Researching the origin and development of religions and the foundations upon which the different religions rest and to show the aspects of agreement and differences between them.

The Syllabus

Certificate :  B.Sc. For comparative Religion 

First stage
Stud - Subject Unit
jewish beliefs 3
jewish history
human rights 2
Entrance of religions 2
theology 2
English language 2
computer 2
Second Stage
Stud - Subject Unit
Christian beliefs 3
Christian history
theology 2
Islamic studies 2
grammar 2
computer 2
English language 2
liberties 2
Logic 1
Intellectual Studies 2
sacred texts
Third Stage
Stud - Subject Unit
eloquence 2
Christian philosophy
The birth of religious thought
beliefs of ancient religions
verbal schools
Islamic studies
psychology 2
Principles of research 2
English language
Fourth Stage
Stud - Subject Unit
jewish beliefs
Christian beliefs
The religions of Persia
Islamic thought
Islamic systems
Teaching methods 2
Graduation Project 1
sacred texts
Islamic jurisprudence